What is a VIN number?
Every bike and trailer from us has its own unique number, called a frame number. Our frame number consists of our own manufacturer's mark 'CS', a serial number and a year mark. We keep track of all our models using the frame number.
Where is the chassis number located?
The frame number is located in different places on our cargo bikes and trailers. On the trailers, the frame number is knocked into the side of the base frame. On the yellow galvanized steel frames, we have knocked the frame number into the left side of the plate that sits between the top and bottom tubes. On aluminum frames for rearDrive or frames for cargo bikes without a motor, the frame number is stamped on a plate under the bottom bracket. On midDrive aluminum frames, the frame number is stamped on the seat tube just above the motor housing.

How old is my model?
Hvis du sender os dit stelnummer, kan vi give dig en præcis dato på, hvornår din model blev produceret. Du kan også selv finde årstallet ved at kigge på dit stelnummer. Det sidste bogstav i stelnummeret indikerer produktionsåret. Du kan bruge følgende guide til at finde ud af, hvornår din model blev produceret. Bogstaverne A-Z anvendes på nær I, O og Y.
19 85:A
1986: B
1987: C
1987: C 1988: D
1989: E
1990: F
1991: G
1992: H
1993: J
1994: K
1995: L
19 96:M
1997: N
1998: P
1999: R 1999: R
2000: S
2001: T
2002: U
2003: V
2004: X
2005: Z
2006: A