Directives and standards
All our electric versions are classified as EPACS (Electrically Power Assisted Cycles) with a maximum speed of 25 km/h and a maximum continuous rated power of 0.25 kW. This classification means that our electric versions must comply with the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC). To comply with the Machinery Directive, we have chosen to follow the European standard, EN 15194 - and thus also the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU. To comply with these directives, we perform our own tests, ensure that our subcontractors comply with the requirements and use independent experts in the field in Denmark.
All our products for children comply with Directive 2005/84/EC, which ensures that children are not exposed to hazardous substances.

How many children can I transport?
The Danish Transport Authority's Bicycle Order states the following:
Chapter 2: § 3. A bicycle must not be equipped for more than three persons. However, there may be room for up to four children no older than 7 years, cf. section 25.
Chapter 8: § 25. No more persons may be transported on a bicycle than it is designed for. Children under 7 years of age may only be carried on the bicycle if special seating is provided for them.
Stk. 2. Special seating for children must be adapted to the child's weight and height, and there must be screening against the wheels.
Paragraph 3. Children traveling by bicycle must be securely restrained.
Section 4. The transportation of children must not prevent the driver of the bicycle from having full control of the bicycle or from signaling appropriately.
Subsection 5. The driver of the bicycle must be at least 15 years old when transporting children on the bicycle.
This means that if the children are under 8 years old, the law allows six children on a cargo bike - if it is equipped for it! So there must be a special space for each of the children and they must be buckled in.
For example, you can use our children's bench or child seat with harnesses for the children, or you can attach a car seat or carrycot for the small child.
The driver of the Christiania bike has the child/children safely in front of him on the bed so you can keep an eye on them at all times, and the solid box construction provides good protection for the children.